The Graduate Office gave me some more small changes to make, which I did, and they asked for some more forms, which I sent in, and they also reminded me that I need to sign up for a credit in Summer. Ouch. Hopefully my arrangement-by-request form will be processed soon. There are always more hoops to jump, aren't there? Until I get that little paper in my little hands....
I've cleared several projects off my to-do list, so now I get to go back to editing my latest manuscript. Yay! Time to get that last chapter published. Then I have one more paper to write. Meanwhile, it's nice taking a break from insane scheduling. I kept TM home from day camps this week so we could do some playing, and it's been great.
Yesterday we went to Spanish Bank beach at low tide. It was marvelous! It's pretty frustrating not knowing the tidal species out there, though. What crawdad-like-thing was that? What was that worm-y thing? Not to mention all the shells and crabs. Sigh. But wow, the mud was beautiful, and it stretched on for something like 1/2 mile away from the shore. Mud, glorious mud! Of course it's home to teeming millions of animals, but we played around anyway.
The day before that, we meant to go to the aquarium, but I didn't have money for parking. So we went to the bank and deposited a check and got some change for parking and went back to the aquarium. By the time we got there, the line was out the door and starting to wrap around the parking lot. Not my cup-o-tea. So we went to a nearby aboriginal village instead. It was great! We got to see some dances by a tribe that lives near the area -- the dances were great! Then TM painted a rock, we ate some frybread, learned a dance, took a train ride through the forest with lots of Native American stuff displayed, and looked at some beautiful artwork and bent boxes. So much fun! It's great having a child to run around with.
We're getting used to living in a small apt, but I still have lots of organizing to do. Slow and steady, that's the way to go. No-one seems to mind the small space, which is nice. It'll be better after a year or so, which is usually how long it takes me to find homes for all of (or most of) our stuff.
Oh -- our LCD TV died. Great. Luckily we have a backup from years ago, and it works quite fine. We only watch movies, so there's no worry about converting to digital or anything like that. We're trying to stay away from big buys unless they're necessary (like that blender we bought to replace our blender that died….that was expensive…).
Overall, we're loving it here. There are lots and lots of things to do, and there's plenty of beautiful scenery to keep my cabin fever at bay.