My degree is finally official! Or at least, unofficially official, as it shows up on my unofficial transcript. Yay! I'm very slowly working on rewriting a paper for publication, but it's taking awhile. Meanwhile, I'm enjoying the freedom from the constant pressure of the PhD program. Yay! I think I'm going to start working on my herbarium collection and learning the plants in this area. I've always loved learning names of things, but I've been so caught up in my project that I haven't had time. Now I can finally get all those books I want, like "plants of the pacific northwest" and other quick-n-dirty ID books. I find it's easier to start ID-ing plants if you start with a picture book than if you have to work through one of those scientific keys. Then I'll start memorizing the aboriginal uses of the plants, wheee! It's been so long since I've been able to enjoy plants like this… and Q is off to Ottowa this week, so I get the car, so it'll be easier to get to a bookstore. Well, I do have to take the car in to get serviced, sigh… oh well. It'll work out.
New baby coming next April! I'm almost over the sick part, fingers crossed. Feeling more like myself, hooray.
Had a wonderful Canadian Thanksgiving with some friends. Q spruced up the house beautifully, and stayed up all night cooking and cleaning. I'm still recovering though, and have yet to finish washing all the dishes :). That'll be this morning's project.